

Expedia Group (EG) is a leading travel agency that helps connect travelers with Expedia's partners. Their mission is to facilitate global travel for everyone. 

My team and I were tasked with exploring multiple approaches to integrate Expedia's lines of business (flights, hotel/vacation rentals, rental cars, activities) into social media.


  • User interviews and observation
  • Secondary research
  • Designed lo-fi, mid-fi, and hi-fi prototypes of user flow
  • Performed concept and A/B testing
  • Team presentation and documentation

Project Info


Spring 2023
12 weeks


Me + 9 Purdue UXD students




User interviews
Data analysis
Journey mapping
Concept and A/B testing

Jump to Final Designs

Why are we doing this?

Icon representing user confidence: a user with stars above their head.

Boost user confidence

Enhance users' confidence in booking travel plans and experiences.

An icon of a handshake.

Foster customer loyalty

Position Expedia as a dependable source for users.

An icon of an increasing graph, representing increased revenue.

Drive more revenue

Increase Expedia’s website traffic and bookings.

The Problem

Users often go to social media to find travel inspiration, but fail to actually to book their trips through Expedia

People go on TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, etc. to find places to visit, but end up saving posts for later and forgetting about them.

To combat this, my team and I explored ways to use Expedia's current 'Trip Board' infrastructure to inspire users to plan and book travel experiences that they see on social media.

User Group

Young Millennials are active on social media and have the financial means to travel

Target Platform

Instagram was chosen as the preferred platform by our user group

Gathering Insights

1. How does social media inspire users to travel?

I first conducted secondary research to better understand how social media moves users to purchase travel experiences through Expedia.


Influencers are Expedia's closest connection to social media, but their credibility is often questioned due to:

  • A lack of transparency
  • Not enough ethical or environmental awareness
  • Too heavy of a focus on financial gain


  • Instagram posts provide inspiration for unique experiences at a low cost.
  • Instagram increases a sense of trust in users, motivating them to act upon their travel inspiration
  • People want to recreate travel inspiration that they see

2. Talking to Users

I interviewed Expedia users and frequent travelers from ages 18 - 60. I questioned each interviewee on how they gain travel inspiration, as well as their preferences for planning and booking a trip.


  • Users do not trust travel influencers
  • Family members play an integral role in the decision making involved in planning a trip
  • Sponsored posts are often ignored


Realizing the importance of family being involved in trip planning, I shifted my focus from influencers to family/friends and ruled out any sponsored material.

After gathering data, I created an affinity diagram of the results. I discovered that most users prioritize posts from their family and friends over travel influencers.

An affinity diagram of interview results using post-it notes and hand written notes on a whiteboard.

Affinity diagram of our interview results pictured above. 15 Expedia users and frequent travelers in total were interviewed.


Users appreciate travel posts that focus on genuine and authentic experiences, rather than serve the needs of influencers.

Finding A Solution

To explore as many design avenues as possible, I started with a user journey map and several rounds of sketching.

Journey Map

With my team, I then created a journey map that included 9 stages of the travel process: ‘Inspiration’ (through Instagram posts/reels), ‘Research’, ‘Plan’, ‘Book’ (purchasing experiences, flights, hotels, etc.), ‘Track’, ‘Arriving’, ‘During’ (a trip), ‘Return’, and ‘Posting Online'.

Initial journey map on whiteboard

A handwritten user journey map on a classroom whiteboard.

Simplified version of journey map

A simplified graphic of the Expedia Group team's user journey map

Sketching & Ideation

To shift away from influencers and sponsored posts, I made sketches based on the 'Inspiration' and 'Posting Online' stages of the proposed user flow.

I also implemented Expedia's current 'Trip Board' infrastructure, which allows users to collaboratively plan a trip. Our goal was to create a feedback loop of gaining travel inspiration and sharing travel experiences on Instagram so that users would naturally be incentivized to book more experiences with Expedia. 

A student sketching on a whiteboardA student sketching on a whiteboard
A student sketching on a whiteboard
A student sketching on a whiteboard

While sketching, I explored different ways for users to share their trips on Instagram and add other user's travel experiences to their own Trip Boards.

Final Solution

Our final solution consists of two user flows: 1) 'posting', where users share their travel experiences, and 2) 'saving', where Expedia bookings are saved from an Instagram post to a Trip Board.

I worked solely on the 'posting' flow solution with half of my team while the rest of group designed mockups for the 'saving' flow.

Together, we designed an 'Expedia Tag' feature, which would allow users to tag their Expedia bookings to a post. Each tag added would give the user Expedia points to redeem towards their account.  

Iteration #1 - Posting Flow

‍I first designed basic wireframes of the posting flow, with a goal to enable users to easily locate their bookings.

Wireframe of the posting flow UI

After wire-framing, I developed the screens into hi-fidelity mockups and tested our prototypes. I presented users with a scenario of an Expedia user on Instagram looking to post their recent trip, then observed their interactions and took notes on any problems they came across.

Hi-fidelity UI prototype of two different screens in the posting flow.

Iteration #2

Following usability testing, I found that people weren’t sure how to interact with our previous iteration because it was too different from Instagram's typical interface.

To make things easier, I designed our second iteration to automatically detect Expedia bookings from a photo's metadata and display the amount of points to be rewarded.

Hi-fidelity UI prototype of two different screens in the posting flow.

A/B testing with this iteration confirmed that users preferred the automatic detection of their bookings instead of manual selection.

However, users were still concerned with the accuracy of the automatic detection, so we decided to add an "Edit" button to change any incorrect tags, and a "Skip" button to avoid the tagging process.

Final Iteration

Using the feedback I received from testing on the previous two iterations, I designed hi-fidelity mockups of the third and final iteration.

I focused on solving the following pain points:

Final Posting Flow

  • Check and Notify for Bookings
    When no eligible bookings are tagged, Instagram notifies users of missing Expedia points.
  • Add, Remove, and Edit Bookings
    Incorrect Expedia tags can be removed and new tags can be added from users Trip Boards.
  • Suggested Events
    Instagram auto-suggests new bookings to tag using a photo’s location, blocking any bookings outside of the location.
  • Onboarding
    If confused, users can press "Learn more" to open a web page introducing the concept of Expedia tags.

Final Saving Flow

  • View Details
    Tapping on an Expedia tag pops up the event's name, location, price, and other related Instagram posts.
  • Add to Trip Boards
    Add tagged Expedia bookings to any Trip Board, all in the Instagram app.
  • See on Expedia's Site
    View more information on Expedia's website about a booking.

Reflection & Takeaways

I had an incredible experience working with Expedia Group on this project.

Thank you to my professor, Austin Toombs, my sponsor, Stephanie Knab, my classmates, and Purdue's UXD program for helping me grow into a better designer throughout the semester.

What Did I Learn?

The design process is never linear. There were several times where I resorted back to sketching, research, testing, etc. after already finding a solution to get the results that I was aiming for.

Work together, but don't be afraid to divide and conquer when necessary.
Splitting our work into separate teams at each meeting helped me work more efficiently and focus on specialized aspects of the project.

Understand the scope,
and stick to it.

By sticking to only the 'best case' scenario, I was able to flesh out the most important parts of our designs without creating too broad of a solution.

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